The Stirring!  Crown of Glory – Northeast Women’s Conference

(A Word from Faye Cohen)
Did you know that in the midst of  increasing darkness God is stirring within His people.  God will always stir a remnant people that will perceive (hear and know), and the inward witness will begin to stir on the inside.  Is this you?  Do you perceive the stirring of God?  
One morning in prayer I was weeping over the many hungry prophetic women that I knew were not living up to their potential in God.  I was weeping because I knew that so many of them have been misunderstood, ostracized, and were being crushed by the spirit of this age.  Because of this, so many dreams and visions have not manifested, but have been buried on the inside.  Some women have allowed the circumstance of one bad season of their life define the rest of their lives.  Something then began to stir within me and I started thinking about how resilient women are, and in spite of all this, true spiritual passion cannot be suppressed. 
I began to see how just like Obadiah was stirred to preserve the prophets for Elijah, God has preserved a cave full of prophetic women (see 1 Kings 18:4).  The women who are being supernaturally stirred for such a time as this are in constant prayer asking the Lord “what must we do to break free?”  We realize that in order to bring in the end-time harvest of souls, we, the church, need a fresh encounter with God!  When we first got saved it was the greatest encounter of our life, but it should never be the last.  So many are faithful to come to church, but never change.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of change!  If you attend church Sunday after Sunday, week after week and are still in the same place spiritually, you need a fresh encounter.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with God.   If you are reading this and have been in a dry place and you know that there is so much more in God, we want you to know that you are being stirred to action by the Holy Spirit.   Join the remnant as we allow God to stir us to action.