About the Ministry
By faith, in 19
93 Faye Cohen and Miriam Sumner began to carry out the call of God on their lives and Crown of Glory Ministries, an international, non-denominational, multi-cultural women’s healing ministry was birthed. The ministry’s foundational scripture is found in Genesis 2:23 “…she shall be called Woman”. We know that every woman can be made whole through Jesus Christ.
Crown of Glory is like a travelling trauma unit sent forth to restore God’s precious women. The vision is being fulfilled by hosting crusades, revivals, conferences, retreats and by preaching and teaching the Word of God. Conferences and crusades have been held throughout New York State and beyond and internationally.
God expanded the vision with our television segment, “Spiritual Riches” which aired in Montgomery county and beyond. Through our Bruised Heels Ministry, women who have survived traumatic experiences are presented with a pair of heels signifying the crushing of the enemy’s head (Genesis 3:15). In 2011, Girls Gone Wise, a ministry for girls ages 13-21, was birthed. Girls are taught that their destiny is not to go wild, but to become wise in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13). In 2014, we began our “Women, Let’s Talk” Series. We go into individual homes to discuss real life issues in a more intimate setting.
Our Spiritual Boot Camp tour increased women in every way. This one-day series of intense ministry was designed for spiritual and emotional healing and equipped women to be victorious in Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:12).
Led by the Spirit of God, over the last few years, we have traveled internationally on mission trips to the Dominican Republic- feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the prisons, orphanages and widows. Our international trips include preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing his love throughout the nation.
Through the years we have seen thousands of women and men saved, healed, set free and realize their destinies in Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory for what He has done! Our mandate is to restore the vision of Glory – one woman at a time.