Choose Life!

“Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)
Do you remember the day that you crossed over from death to life?  Imagine, Jesus the Son of God is making an offer that I am so grateful I did not refuse. Yet many people do refuse it. The offer is to receive eternal life over eternal death!    
As we look at the world today it doesn’t look like many people are choosing life, but that is not so. The Church of Jesus Christ is constantly increasing and cannot be stopped!  The scripture says “Nevertheless God did not leave Himself without a witness…” (Acts 14:17)
He didn’t save us for such a time as this for nothing!  He didn’t save the worse, or broken down for last. He saved the best for last! Then He gave us power and authority to make sure that the end-time harvest of souls will be bought into the Kingdom of God.
Look at it this way.  As long as Jesus tarries, the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not going anywhere!  Why? Because people will always have sin to be forgiven, always need to be healed, always need to be delivered, rescued, and salvation will always be available!  It will be available and we the Church are the entity to get salvation to them because we are the witnesses!  
But, there will always be a choice to be made, “Oh that you will choose life…” There is that choice again that needs to be made. Let’s look at this whole scripture as it means more than just choosing life. It says, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
This shows us that the Lord was telling us which one to choose. He said ‘therefore choose life“!  Why?  “that both you and your descendants may live” Not only will I live, but so will my children, grandchildren, etc., will live. No wonder the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called the good news.
If you have not had the opportunity to make a decision of life or death before why not say this with us:
Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that have not pleased you. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross to save me. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins! Your Word says that you set before me life and death. I want to choose life and accept Jesus as my Lord and my Savior right now!  Thank you for saving me! Amen.
Choose Life!
Faye & Miriam
Crown of Glory Ministries
“…she shall be called Woman” (Genesis 2:23)
Celebrating 32 years of Ministry!